Pillar 2 โ€“ GloBE, the Biggest Change to International Taxation in Over 200 Years

Pillar 2, a significant aspect of international taxation, currently stands as a prominent issue.

This framework aims to address global tax challenges by implementing measures to ensure minimum taxation on multinational corporations, thereby fostering a fair and equitable tax environment across jurisdictions. The discussions surrounding Pillar 2 underscore its role in combating tax avoidance and promoting greater fiscal transparency on a global scale.


10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Background to the Global 15% Minimum Tax and Progress
10:15 AM - 10:25 AM
Why Now
10:25 AM - 10:40 AM
What You Need To Do
10:40 AM - 10:55 AM



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7th Fl. of Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI)

7th Fl., Shinwon Plaza, 85, Dokseodang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 04419
Seoul, Korea (South)

If you have any questions please contact Brian Koh

Contact Organizer

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