Since 1981, the Korean-German Chamber of Commerce, with its around 500 members, has served its members as a catalyst, promoter and facilitator for their business. Members comprise of German, Korean and international companies with interest in doing business in Germany and Korea. With 30 bilingual employees the KGCCI is the first contact point for your business in Korea!
KGCCI Membership allows you privileged access to a high-profile business network in Korea and a wide range of business support and advocacy services that all contribute to stronger trade relations.
Companies or organizations in Korea/Germany or any other Asian Countries with interest in German-Korean economic relations.
One representative of the company or organization shall be KGCCIs first contact person who will receive one voting right at the Annual General Meeting,
be listed in the membership directory, have access to KGCCI services, seminars and events and receive KGCCI newsletters and publications (KORUM).
A Corporate Member company is eligible to assign their employees as Additional Contact Person.
The Additional Contact Person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Member first contact person except for voting rights.
Companies or organizations in Korea/Germany or any other Asian Countries with interest in German-Korean economic relations.
One representative of the company or organization shall be KGCCIs first contact person who will receive one voting right at the Annual General Meeting,
be listed in the membership directory, have access to KGCCI services, seminars and events and receive KGCCI newsletters and publications (KORUM).
A Corporate Member company is eligible to assign their employees as Additional Contact Person.
The Additional Contact Person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Member first contact person except for voting rights.
Companies or organizations in Korea/Germany or any other Asian Countries with interest in German-Korean economic relations.
One representative of the company or organization shall be KGCCIs first contact person who will receive one voting right at the Annual General Meeting,
be listed in the membership directory, have access to KGCCI services, seminars and events and receive KGCCI newsletters and publications (KORUM).
A Corporate Member company is eligible to assign their employees as Additional Contact Person.
The Additional Contact Person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Member first contact person except for voting rights.
Companies or organizations in Korea/Germany or any other Asian Countries with interest in German-Korean economic relations.
One representative of the company or organization shall be KGCCIs first contact person who will receive one voting right at the Annual General Meeting,
be listed in the membership directory, have access to KGCCI services, seminars and events and receive KGCCI newsletters and publications (KORUM).
A Corporate Member company is eligible to assign their employees as Additional Contact Person.
The Additional Contact Person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Member first contact person except for voting rights.
Companies or organizations in Korea/Germany or any other Asian Countries with interest in German-Korean economic relations.
One representative of the company or organization shall be KGCCIs first contact person who will receive one voting right at the Annual General Meeting,
be listed in the membership directory, have access to KGCCI services, seminars and events and receive KGCCI newsletters and publications (KORUM).
A Corporate Member company is eligible to assign their employees as Additional Contact Person.
The Additional Contact Person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Member first contact person except for voting rights.
Governmental and semi-governmental institutions, foundations, universities, associations, societies, unions etc.
One representative of the institution shall be KGCCIs first contact person who be listed in the membership directory,
have access to KGCCI services, seminars and events and receive KGCCI newsletters and publications (KGCCI).
An Associate Member company is eligible to assign their employees as Additional Contact Person.
The Additional Contact Person will enjoy all benefits of an Associate Member first contact person.
Governmental and semi-governmental institutions, foundations, universities, associations, societies, unions etc.
One representative of the institution shall be KGCCIs first contact person who be listed in the membership directory,
have access to KGCCI services, seminars and events and receive KGCCI newsletters and publications (KGCCI).
An Associate Member company is eligible to assign their employees as Additional Contact Person.
The Additional Contact Person will enjoy all benefits of an Associate Member first contact person.
This membership type can be offered by the KGCCI membership team based on specific requests and conditions, such as being a new tenant of the KGCCI office, etc.